Wednesday 29 February 2012

General thoughts

Wet Darkroom Techniques:
(week 2)

I really look forward to this elective subject and hope to take away from it:
- a renewed level of appreciation for "how it used to be done".
- a solid set of developing and enlarging skills.
- an abundance of new information.
- a creative collection of images.
and all with minimal mistakes.

I reckon film photography is beautiful, magical and pure. 

It helps you think more and shoot less which i totally respect and feel this may help me in a digital sense too long term. I also totally get the "romance" of using something simple and mechanical - it's kind of like the feeling of driving an old classic muscle-car.

I have also dreamed of owning a beautiful Hassleblad medium format camera for some time now, so i'm sure that the skills i acquire in this class will only help encourage me to follow up on that dream, boost the old bank balance and acquire one.


one day..