Wednesday 30 May 2012

Great Success !! I like it, it's nice.

I had a very productive day today.

Managed to process all three proof sheets from the rolls of film i shot through for the final assessment task for this elective class - "my life".

All frames have decent images in them that also appear well exposed and interesting when looked at closer with the loupe magnifier.

After completing the proof sheets i then proceeded to select the required 5 stand out images ready to be enlarged and refined in the darkroom. I managed to do just that to two of my images, which leaves only three more to do before i am then ready to add them to my visual diary, add support information and a written report ready for submission.

Pretty stoked about this.


Saturday 26 May 2012

boo-yah !

As a follow-up to my previous post, i am pleased to report that i shot through 2 rolls of black and white film and on Wednesday (before State of Origin started) i successfully developed both of them perfectly in class and managed a test proof-sheet of one roll. 

To top it off i got 37 exposures out of both rolls - good old Pentax shines again :]

So next week i endeavour to process a correctly exposed proof-sheet from both rolls of film and then select the 5 standout shots to then process and enlarge ready to submit in my visual diary so i can put a big fat tick beside this elective as being completed. Exciting.

I do hope to do more with this subject as i find it wonderful and would like to improve my skills and knowledge of the whole process further so that once i finally do acquire a sexy medium format film camera i can really get the most out of it.

Stay tuned for photos.


Monday 14 May 2012

My Plan..

As a continuation of the "My Life" assignment, i plan to take my film camera with me on the road tomorrow afternoon and photograph a number of things whilst away.

1. First will be random photographs of my journey (drive) to Sydney.

2. The next thing will be to take a bunch of photographs of my cousin's new baby boy for the very first time, his young daughter, his wife, himself and his two dogs - all of which are great company.

3. In addition to this i plan to photograph my day in Sydney as my fellow first years and i visit a number of gallery exhibitions as part of the HeadOn Photo Festival going on at the moment - should be cool.

4. Unbelievably, my parents fly back from New Zealand, to Sydney on Thursday for 1 night, before heading home via Brisbane on Friday - what are the odds of that for good timing ay. So i'm gonna stick around an extra day and pay them a surprise visit :]

5. The to cap it off i will shoot through any remaining film during my journey back to Canberra, might even take the long way home - see how i go.

So all in all, i am really looking forward to this little trip away, because not only will i get another chunk of a major assignment done, but am able to enjoy doing it around family that i haven't seen for some time now.



Wednesday 9 May 2012

My life - roll #1

Finally got to finish a roll of film today.

I managed to escape out to Uriarra Crossing mid-morning to continue photographing my rural theme of nature, and any country-folk and/or their way of life i could come across. Mainly because being out away from cement and steel helps me refresh and relax - parts of it also remind me of home.

Anyway, thought i had completely stuffed my film during the development process due to me removing the funnel part after opening the lid (for some reason) as i went to pour out the D76 developing liquid... thankfully it somehow didn't affect the film because i inspected the negatives with my magnifying glass and they all look good as gold!

See if this is actually true once i start to process the negatives into prints i guess.

From here i will see if i can have the roll of film that was taken from me by security at Brindabella Estate on Anzac Day returned so i can wind the film back into the canister, re-load it into my film camera and then shoot through what wasn't exposed - that is if they didn't pull it all out of the canister. If this isn't doable i will start shooting another roll over the next week and a bit. It might even be worthwhile taking it with me on the trip to Sydney.


One of my negatives captured on
my iPhone looking a magnifier.

Funky look'n glasses you got there Dru.