Monday 14 May 2012

My Plan..

As a continuation of the "My Life" assignment, i plan to take my film camera with me on the road tomorrow afternoon and photograph a number of things whilst away.

1. First will be random photographs of my journey (drive) to Sydney.

2. The next thing will be to take a bunch of photographs of my cousin's new baby boy for the very first time, his young daughter, his wife, himself and his two dogs - all of which are great company.

3. In addition to this i plan to photograph my day in Sydney as my fellow first years and i visit a number of gallery exhibitions as part of the HeadOn Photo Festival going on at the moment - should be cool.

4. Unbelievably, my parents fly back from New Zealand, to Sydney on Thursday for 1 night, before heading home via Brisbane on Friday - what are the odds of that for good timing ay. So i'm gonna stick around an extra day and pay them a surprise visit :]

5. The to cap it off i will shoot through any remaining film during my journey back to Canberra, might even take the long way home - see how i go.

So all in all, i am really looking forward to this little trip away, because not only will i get another chunk of a major assignment done, but am able to enjoy doing it around family that i haven't seen for some time now.



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