Saturday 26 May 2012

boo-yah !

As a follow-up to my previous post, i am pleased to report that i shot through 2 rolls of black and white film and on Wednesday (before State of Origin started) i successfully developed both of them perfectly in class and managed a test proof-sheet of one roll. 

To top it off i got 37 exposures out of both rolls - good old Pentax shines again :]

So next week i endeavour to process a correctly exposed proof-sheet from both rolls of film and then select the 5 standout shots to then process and enlarge ready to submit in my visual diary so i can put a big fat tick beside this elective as being completed. Exciting.

I do hope to do more with this subject as i find it wonderful and would like to improve my skills and knowledge of the whole process further so that once i finally do acquire a sexy medium format film camera i can really get the most out of it.

Stay tuned for photos.


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